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Tax advice

We provide specific and up-to-date advice and assistance on in force tax regulations. We draft and send tax returns with related tax calculations and, if necessary, with the required compliance certificate. We constantly keep our customers updated on tax news and new concessions/incentives, preparing the required demands and doing calculations of convenience. We assist our customers in tax disputing, from examination of amicable notices to assistance in all levels of judgment.

  • Advices and assistance on interpretation of fiscal and tax regulations
  • Customer Information activity by sending update newsletters
  • Drafting and presentation of tax returns for individuals and companies
  • Tax and social security obligations
  • Affixing of conformity visa
  • Fulfillments at the Agenzia delle Entrate/Business registration office/Court/Local Authorities
  • Advice and assistance in relationships with the Financial Authorities
  • Tax advice and assistance, drafting of applications, appeals, assistance at financial authority offices, as well as province and regional tax courts

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