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If he wants to be successful, the businessman must be free to spend all his energy on the good performance of his business, looking after its most important areas: purchase, production process, sales, human resources. Any other task shall not bring him any concern or commitment.

The goal of Benetti & Partners Srl is to give the right answer to these needs: an association of professionals with different skills dedicated to manage any aspect of business which is necessary and functional to its successfulness. Our customers can concentrate exclusively on their business, getting relaxed knowing that there is a highly qualified and specialized team staying behind and taking care of everything their company needs to work safely, in full compliance with the rules and improving constantly.
Thanks to a large network of cooperations with skilled and specialized professionals in legal, civil, administrative, criminal and labour areas, we can always satisfy our customer needs, looking for the most appropriate solutions.


Thanks to Benetti & Partners Srl,
a company of professionals,
doing business will be easier!

Who we are

Pierodolfo Benetti


Ragioniere Commercialista
Revisore Legale n.112709 sez.B
CTU Tribunale di Vicenza
ODCEC Vicenza n. A569


Nadia Frigo

Esperto contabile

Revisore Legale n 184917 sez.B,
ODCEC Vicenza n. B33;


Nicolas Benetti


Corporate consultant
